Inhibitor Dosing System Training in Jeotermal plant

Subject : Inhibitor Dosing System Training in Jeotermal plant

Theoretical and practical training on dosing pumps and dosing systems have been provided by our company at Çelikler Holding Pamukören Geothermal Power Plant. ZERK as the authorized distributor of the Milton Roy, which the biggest dosage pump manufacturer in the world, are working as a solution partner for the dosage pumps and systems with Çelikler Holding. Theoretical and practical training on geothermal well have been given in order to increase the related cooperation and to make the dosing pumps and systems more efficient. The training has been evaluated as satisfactory by the employees and managers of Çelikler holding and it has been agreed that our cooperation will continue increasingly. ZERK’ s training in Geothermal Facilities will continue in the further weeks.